Dare to Lead™ Workshops presented by Debra Birks

Developing Brave Leaders & Courageous Cultures

Workshops are available In-Person or Virtually and delivered by leading Certified Dare To Lead™ Facilitator, Debra Birks.

How do we develop daring leaders and embed courage into your organisation’s culture?

Based on the research of Dr Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage-building program for Leaders. Brené is a research professor at the University of Houston where she holds the Huffington Foundation – Brené Brown Endowed Chair at The Graduate College of Social Work. She is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers including Dare to Lead, which also debuted at #1 on The Wall Street Journal and Publisher’s Weekly list.

For more information, open the tabs by clicking on them below. Or scroll past to see upcoming workshops.

Dare To Lead 2025 programs are undergoing content updates and delivery options from the USA.

Future dates will be released and posted here soon. Please register your interest on the contact form or at debra@anewday.com.au to attend the next Dare To Lead™ program.

Skills gained

Courage is a collection of four learnt skills. In this workshop you will learn how to navigate your courage-skills to strengthen your leadership identity and embed courage into your organisation’s culture? 

The 4 skillsets of courage:

  • Rumbling with Vulnerability
  • Leading with Values
  • Building Trust
  • Rising from Setbacks
  • High functioning and engaged teams
  • Ability to have hard, honest and courageous conversations
  • Daring values led leadership
  • Self-trust, trust in teams and trust in others
  • Self-awareness and a common language to re-humanise workplace culture
  • A feedback culture
  • Ability to rise from set-back and failures

Rumbling With Vulnerability

  • The myths of vulnerability
  • A call to courage
  • Shame, empathy & emotional literacy
  • Armoured leadership vs daring leadership
  • Grounded confidence is a practice

Living Into Our Values

  • Naming values
  • Aligning values to measurable behaviours
  • Giving & receiving engaged feedback


  • Building psychological safety
  • BRAVING – Learn the 7 elements of trust
  • Trust in self and others

Learning To Rise

  • Emotional Literacy
  •  Identify and manage your “offloading strategies”
  • The reckoning – the importance of curiosity
  • The rumble – the stories we tell ourselves and how they hold us back
  • The revolution – integration and practice

Brené defines a leader as “Someone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes and has the courage to develop that potential.”

If innovation, creativity, empathy, team performance, being seen, speaking up and building your courage muscle is important to your success, then show up and join this community of courageous leaders.

This program is also designed for intact teams and leadership groups within organisations. If you’re  interested in bringing this program in-house, please contact ANEWDAY. We offer customised programs for your company’s needs and deliver Dare To Lead™ nationally.

“I felt Debra was critical to the depth of discussion amongst attendees. From breadth of experience to illustrate examples to support content to empathy expressed during participant discussions and capability to lead trust building amongst participants quickly. In thinking of other facilitators I’ve engaged with I couldn’t imagine being in a room with the type of participant examples shared, myself included, if not for Debra.”

Jennifer Davies, Dean AIS Leadership Centre

Looking to book a workshop in?

If your organisation wants to secure a workshop for your team, please fill in the form below.

The more details you provide, the better.